Konrad & Matt are proud to introduce Ideas Digest! A podcast that builds bridges of connection between world views at war.
Politicians, religions, algorithms and mainstream media make money on dividing us all, and building higher and higher walls around ourselves.
In a world where its getting harder to know who to trust and easier than ever to block out opposing view points, every week Konrad & Matt open their minds & challenge their personal bias' by trying on a new world view or perspective. Each episode is a fun deconstruction and helpful reconstruction of religious or political ideas for those willing to explore ideas outside their echo chamber & learn to understand their "enemy".
Become a PLUS subscriber today and join our growing community of people doing the often painful work of reconstructing a religious or political world view, one that is big enough for your quesitons and has enough room for disagreement. You dont have to do it alone.
Plus Subscribers have full access to uncut video versions of the podcast, exclusive bonus podcast content. You'll also get to join our facebook community group & connect regularly with Konrad & Matt, meet others like minded people & join our monthly Ask Me Anythings.